anti-missle laser (Image from elbitsystems.com)
Srikandi – Perusahaan pertahanan Israel
Elbit Systems telah mengumumkan akan menyediakan sistem perlindungan laser
anti-rudal untuk Angkatan Udara Jerman. Ini akan digunakan untuk melindungi
pesawat angkut dari permukaan ke udara dan panas mencari portabel rudal.
Elbit dianugerahi kontrak oleh
Diehl Pertahanan Perusahaan Jerman dan sistem ini diharapkan akan beroperasi
dalam waktu satu tahun. Ini dimaksudkan untuk melindungi pesawat A400M Airbus
Jerman. Ini adalah tahap pertama dari rencana oleh Angkatan Udara Jerman untuk
menawarkan perlindungan pesawat mereka lebih baik terhadap ancaman rudal
Presiden Elbit Systems,
Bezhalel Machlis, mengatakan di site perusahaannya, "Kami bangga dengan
kerjasama kami dengan Diehl Pertahanan pada Langsung Infrared
Counter-Langkah-langkah yang telah menghasilkan kontrak awal ini."
"Sistem DIRCM kami
memberikan perlindungan yang efektif terhadap ancaman dari MANPADS, dan kami
berharap bahwa pelanggan tambahan akan mengikuti & memilih sistem kami
sebagai solusi pilihan mereka," tambahnya.
DIRCM (Tindakan Direct
Infra-Red Kontra) sistem akan dpt menyediakan pesawat dgn 360 derajat
penutup & dirancang untuk melindungi militer besar & pesawat komersial. Hal
ini ringan & kompak juga, artinya dpt dgn mudah dipasang ke pesa-wat yg
bersangkutan baik dlm menara tunggal, atau konfigurasi multi-menara.
SKY Wars:
GERMAN Air Force buys ISRAEL laser defense SYSTEM to protect PLANES . . .
Israeli defense company Elbit
Systems has announced it will provide an anti-missile laser protection system
for the German Air Force. It will be used to protect transport planes from
surface to air and portable heat seeking missiles.
Elbit was awarded the contract
by Germany’s DIEHL Defense Company and the system is expected to be operational
within a year. It’s intended to protect the German A400M Airbus aircraft. This
is the first phase of a plan by the German Air Force to offer their aircraft
better protection against potential missile threats.
The president of Elbit Systems,
Bezhalel Machlis, said on his company’s website, “We are proud of our
cooperation with DIEHL Defense on Direct Infrared Counter-Measures that has
resulted in this initial contract."
"Our DIRCM systems provide
effective protection to the growing threat of MAN-PADS, and we hope that
additional customers will follow and select our systems as their preferred
solution," he added.
The DIRCM (Direct Infra-Red
Counter Measures) system will be able to provide air-craft with 360 degree cover
and is designed to protect large military and commercial aircraft. It is
lightweight and also compact, meaning that it can easily be fitted onto the
aircraft in question in either a single turret, or a multi-turret
Awarded a Contract to Supply DIRCM Systems for the German Air Force http://bit.ly/1yLNJ1F
4:58 PM -
17 Nov 2014
Sistem ini bekerja dgn
menggunakan sensor infra-merah untuk mendeteksi rudal masuk. Jika terdeteksi,
laser ditembakkan untuk mengganggu sistem navigasi rudal, dengan maksud
mengirimnya dari jalur dan jauh dari target yg diinginkan.
Elbit Systems telah memasukkan
program J-MUSIC (Penanggulangan Multi-Spec-tral Infrared) ke dalam sistem, yg
mereka katakan dapat mengatasi ancaman dari MANPADS (tanah udara panas mencari ‘man-portable
"Elbit Systems telah
menyelesaikan pengujian ekstensif dari sistem J-MUSIC dan telah disampaikan
sistem untuk melengkapi beberapa jenis pesawat untuk berbagai pelanggan,"
kata perusahaan itu dalam sebuah pernyataan yg diposting di website mereka
pada hari Isnin.
The system works by using
infra-red sensors to detect incoming missiles. If detected, a laser is fired to
disrupt the missile’s navigation system, with the intention of sending it off
course and away from its intended target.
Elbit Systems has incorporated
its J-MUSIC (Multi-Spectral Infrared Counter-mea-sure) program into the system,
which they say can counter the growing threat of MANPADS (ground to air heat
seeking man-portable missiles.)
"Elbit Systems has
completed extensive testing of the J-MUSIC system and has already delivered
systems to equip several types of aircraft to various customers," the
company said in a statement posted on their website on Monday.
#Elbit Gets #German Defense Contract
to Block Rocket Attacks on #Airbus
6:33 PM - 17
Nov 2014
Pada bulan Februari, Departemen
Pertahanan Israel dan Elbit Systems mengu-mumkan bahwa mereka telah berhasil
berhasil menyelesaikan program percobaan utk menguji sistem pertahanan laser
yg lain - C-MUSIC. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan untuk melindungi
pesawat sipil Israel.
"Percobaan yg dilakukan
di Israel selatan, adalah beberapa yg paling kompleks dan canggih yang pernah
dilakukan di Israel," kata Kementerian Pertahanan, seperti dilansir
Jerusalem Post. "Mereka simulasi berbagai ancaman bahwa dengan sistem
C-Music akan harus berurusan."
"C-Music dianggap sistem yang paling
canggih dari jenisnya di DUNIA, dan akan memberikan pertahanan utama untuk
pesawat," tambah kementerian itu.
In February, the Israeli
Defense Ministry and Elbit Systems announced they had managed to successfully
complete a trial program to test another laser defense system – C-MUSIC. This
is intended to be used to protect Israeli civilian aircraft.
"The experiments, carried
out in southern Israel, were some of the most complex and sophisticated ever
carried out in Israel," the Defense Ministry said, as reported by the
Jerusalem Post. "They simulated a range of threats that the C-Music system
will have to deal with."
"C-Music is considered the most advanced
system of its kind in the world, and will provide ultimate defense to
planes," the ministry added.
MORE: http://on.rt.com/9ekn6y