Sunday, 30 November 2014

BANTAHAN berikut KEPUTUSAN Membebaskan bekas pemimpin Mesir Mubarak Caj Konspirasi PEMBUNUHAN . . .

Srikandi Gelanggang Mesir telah menemui bekas Presiden Hosni Mubarak tidak bersalah bersubahat untuk membunuh beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan semasa pemberontakan 2011, yg membawa kpd penyingkirannya. Dia terus dilepaskan atas tuduhan rasuah berasingan.

Menangani wartawan yang hadir, Hakim Mahmud Kamel al-Rashidi memberi amaran kepada media mereka perlu menempah penghakiman sehingga mereka tlh membaca 1,430 keputusan yang besar dalam keseluruhan.

Protest follows verdict to acquit Egypt’s ex-leader Mubarak of murder conspiracy charges

An Egyptian court has found former president Hosni Mubarak not guilty of conspiring to kill hundreds of protesters during the 2011 uprising, which led to his ouster. He was further exonerated on separate corruption charges.

Addressing journalists in attendance, chief judge Mahmud Kamel al-Rashidi warned the media they should reserve judgment until they had read the massive 1,430 verdict in its entirety.

Surreal. 1,430 muka surat Mubarak keputusan dibalut dengan reben Mesir- berwarna-bendera (Surreal. 1,430 pages of Mubarak verdict wrapped in Egyptian-flag-colored ribbons). 4:43 PM - 29 Nov 2014

The former leader had been charged along with seven of his former police com-manders for the death of 239 protesters – a fraction of the 850 people activists believe died in the unrest. Judge al-Rashidi said the charges had been politically motivated and did not deserve to be tried in his court. Mubarak's interior minister Habib el-Adly and six aides were also found not guilty of conspiracy to commit murder.

LANJUT: #Mubarak didapati tidak bersalah atas tuduhan yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian gas rasuah dengan Israel (MORE: #Mubarak found not guilty of charges related to corrupt gas deal with Israel).  4:59 PM - 29 Nov 2014

The court further found that neither Mubarak, his aides, nor his two sons, Gamal and Alaa, were guilty of corruption charges stemming from a controversial gas deal with Israel. Hussein Salem, a businessman and longtime confident of Mubarak, was similarly found not guilty after being tried in absentia.

#Mubarak Bertindak balas dengan pembebasan rasuah (#Mubarak reacts to corruption acquittal). 4:58 PM - 29 Nov 2014

The sweeping exoneration was met with cheers in the packed courtroom.

Despite the verdict, Mubarak will not be released from prison immediately, as he is serving a 3-year sentence for embezzling public funds. Following the reading of the verdict, Mubarak said he had done "nothing wrong."

Cheers, tepukan di mahkamah sebagai anak-anak # Hosni Mubarak memeluk autocrat yang digulingkan selepas mereka mengetahui mereka membebaskan daripada semua tuduhan (Cheers, applause in courtroom as Hosni #Mubarak's sons embrace the toppled autocrat after they find out they are acquitted of all charges) 5:06 PM - 29 Nov 2014

Mubarak was initially sentenced to life imprisonment for the deaths in 2012, along with former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly. That sentence was later overturned by an appeals court on a technicality.

Upwards of 5,000 police officers had been deployed to provide security at the courthouse, though passions have waned since he was first deposed nearly 4 years ago. Anticipating any potential outbursts in the courtroom, prior to reading the verdict, the judge warned that anyone who disrupted the court could face a year in prison.

Saturday's verdict had initially been slated for September 27, but Judge al-Rashidi postponed it, saying he had not had ample time to write out his reasoning in light of the thousands of case filed presented during the retrial.

LibyaLiberty: Mubarak dan kroni tinggi sekarang "(@LibyaLiberty: Mubarak and cronies high fiving right now. #MubarakTrial" 6:08 PM - 29 Nov 2014

Meahwhile, Mubarak's Islamist successor Mohammad Morsi, who was himself toppled by Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in July 2013, has been put on trial for incitement to commit murder and violence. Ironically, perhaps, many of those charges stem from the anti-Mubarak uprising, as well as the army-led coup that drove him from power.

He is also facing espionage charges.

Following a massive crackdown against Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, nearly 1,000 were killed and thousands more were arrested. Several secular and liberal youth activists have also been imprisoned for staging unauthorized protests following Morsi’s ouster.

Saturday's verdict will further fuel fears that Mubarak-era rulers are regaining lost ground.

RT contributor Bel Trew said despite the muted response, a public response was likely to come once Mubarak is actually released from jail.

"Seeing Hosni Mubark, who was toppled after nationwide protests, walking free in the streets of Cairo or in his villa in Sharm el-Sheikh, is going to greatly upset people. So I expect there to be further protests," she said.

Later in the evening, protesters began gathering near Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square to voice their frustration with the verdict. No violence or arrests have been reported thus far. On Saturday afternoon, security forces shut down the iconic square, following the announcement of the verdict. The closure of the square followed reports that families of slain protesters planned to head to the famed site, which served as the epicenter of the protest movement that swept Mubarak from power.

The head of the Cairo traffic authority, Hamdy El-Hadidi, told Al-Ahram Arabic news website that security forces had ramped up their presence on the roads leading to the square. A protester is currently live streaming outside of Tahrir Square, where the crowd has considerably swelled over the past several hours.

Belabored by years of unrest, Al-Sisi has made jump starting Egypt's flagging economy a top priority. Critics say he has largely ignored the desire for democratic freedoms, which brought Mubarak down after ruling the country for three-decades. He is further attempting to mend relations with foreign and regional powers who didn't support the manner in which Morsi, the democratically elected president, was driven from power.

The military-backed government's fear of protests became apparent on Friday, when a little-known Islamist group's failed effort to organize a successful protest did not stop authorities from locking down Cairo. Two Egyptian army officers were killed in two separate drive by shootings that took place in Cairo and the northern province of Qalioubiya. A police conscript was also killed in Giza.

Four civilians were also killed during anti-government demonstrations and unrest around the country.


POTONG Atau TAK Di potong Tiada OPEC Konsensus SEBAGAIMANA Asas Minyak Menjadi RENDAH 4 TAHUN . . .

Srikandi Retak semakin diperkata dalam kartel minyak terbesar di DUNIA sebagai Kumpulan 12 negara menganggap menyokong harga minyak daripada membiarkan ia jatuh lebih jauh.

Kebanyakan pengeluar utama Teluk, Arab Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, & UAE, mempu-nyai lebihan kewangan besar untuk terus hidup harga minyak yang rendah. San yang lain tidak, bergantung kpd hasil minyak bulan ke bulan. Ahli-empuk tunai kurang seperti Nigeria, Venezuela, dan penyokong2 peperangan Iran-harga yang dipanggil - menolak untuk luka.

"Saya rasa pada akhirnya Arab Saudi dan negara-negara Teluk akan mengadakan sway- saya ragu-ragu akan ada pemotongan pengeluaran - Saya rasa harga akan terus turun ke bawah & kita mungkin akan melihat tempat lantai sekitar $ 65-70 setong , "Amir Handjani, pakar tenaga & pengarah Urusan PT Modal, memberitahu RT.

Setiap negara mempunyai "pulang modal" harga minyak yg lain di mana ekonomi mereka mengimbangkan buku. Kuwait, sebagai contoh, boleh mengimbangi bajet jika harga minyak jatuh di bawah $ 60 setong. Iran memerlukan harga minyak pada $ 140 setong untuk mengimbangi belanjawan.

CUT Or No Cut No OPEC Consensus As OIL hits 4yr LOW

Cracks are surfacing within the world’s largest oil cartel as the 12-nation group considers supporting the oil price of letting it fall even further.

Many of the major Gulf producers, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE, have large financial surpluses to survive low oil prices. The others don't, and rely on oil revenues month-to-month. Less cash-cushioned members such as Nigeria, Venezuela, and Iran- the so-called price hawks - are pushing for a cut.

“I think in the end the Saudis and the Gulf states will hold sway- I doubt there will be a cut in production - I think the price will continue to go down and we’ll probably see a floor somewhere around $65-70 per barrel,” Amir Handjani, energy expert and managing director of PT Capital, told RT.

Each country has a different “break-even” oil price at which their economy balances its books. Kuwait, for example, can balance its budget if oil prices fall below $60 per barrel. Iran needs oil prices at $140 per barrel to balance its budget.

"OPEC tidak tepat yang monolitik organization-negara yang mempunyai pelbagai kepentingan dan sejarah," Adrian Salbuchi, seorang penganalisis politik antarabangsa, memberitahu RT.

Pengeluaran memotong akan dapat mencegah 4 tahun harga minyak yang rendah, yang jatuh di bawah $ 76 setong pada Khamis. Harga yang rendah telah dicetus-kan oleh lebihan bekalan yg dibuat oleh peningkatan pengeluaran Amerika Syari-kat dan permintaan menyusut dari China dan Eropah.

Wartawan RT ini Murad Gazdiev bercakap dengan menteri-menteri OPEC sebelum mereka pergi ke mesyuarat tertutup.

Menteri Luar Venezuela berkata negaranya bersedia untuk menyokong pengeluaran 5 % peratus merentasi OPEC.

“OPEC is not exactly a monolithic organization- its countries have varying interests and histories,” Adrian Salbuchi, an international politics analyst, told RT.

Cutting production would help curb 4-year low oil prices, which fell below $76 per barrel on Thursday. Low prices have been triggered by an oversupply created by increased US production and waning demand from China and Europe.

RT’s correspondent Murad Gazdiev spoke with OPEC ministers before they went into closed door meetings.

Menteri Luar Venezuela berkata negaranya bersedia untuk menyokong pengeluaran 5 % peratus merentasi OPEC.

The Venezuelan foreign minister said his country is ready to support a five percent production cut across OPEC.

Kuwait berkata ia adalah baik dengan harga pada $ 60 setong.

Kuwait says it is fine with prices at $60 per barrel.

Menteri minyak dari Nigeria berkata beberapa anggota OPEC tidak dihalau oleh ekonomi, tetapi selepas objektif politik.

The oil minister from Nigeria said that some of the OPEC members weren’t being driven by economics, but are after political objectives.

Sesuatu keputusan untuk memotong atau tidak akan mempunyai kesan yang besar kepada pasaran tenaga di seluruh DUNIA, seperti OPEC menghasilkan lebih dari-pada 40 % peratus daripada minyak DUNIA.

Harga minyak yg rendah membantu pengimport besar seperti China & India kerana produk petroleum menjadi lebih murah, tetapi menyakiti negara pengeksport kerana berbilion-bilion dalam pendapatan hilang. Harga minyak juga menjejaskan mata wang, seperti ruble Rusia, yg, bersama-sama dgn minyak, telah kehilangan lebih daripada 30 % peratus sejak bulan Jun.

Keputusan dijangka diumumkan pada jam 4:00 petang di Vienna, dan makanan secara langsung boleh didapati.

Syal Spendy

Syal di Amerika Utara sebagai ancaman terbesar kepada Arab Saudi & OPEC dominasi, menurut Handjani. Harga yg tinggi membolehkan syal menjadi mengun-tungkan, manakala Arab Saudi boleh menghasilkan tong hanya beberapa sen.

Ledakan syal Amerika Syarikat, yang bermula pada tahun 2008, telah meningkat Amerika Syarikat output mentah sebanyak 60 % peratus, menimbulkan ancaman kepada pengeksport minyak utama Arab Saudi, yang menghasilkan 16 % peratus daripada minyak DUNIA. Pengeluaran Amerika Syarikat’ isready’ untuk segera mengatasi Arab Saudi, yang mereka dapat melihat seperti pencerobohan.

Tidak seperti minyak dari negara Teluk, Amerika Syarikat syal adalah mahal, dan menjadi tidak menguntungkan di bawah $ 70-80 setong, menurut analisis yang berbeza.

"Pengeluaran Amerika Syarikat, yang telah menjadi pengurup permainan sebenar, tidak benar-benar berfungsi apabila harga minyak turun. Oleh itu saya fikir Arab Saudi dan Negara Teluk Arab ingin menjaga harga minyak berlegar sekitar US $ 70 hingga Amerika Syarikat menyimpan tidak ekonomi pada masa ini, "kata Handjani.

Harga minyak yang rendah membantu pengimport besar seperti China dan India kerana produk petroleum menjadi lebih murah, tetapi menyakiti negara peng-eksport kerana berbilion-bilion dalam pendapatan hilang.

"Saya tidak semestinya melihat perang harga berlaku lagi, tetapi saya melihat bahawa pengeluar adalah sejajar untuk memecahkan belakang pengeluaran US," kata Handjani.

Harga yang rendah bukan sahaja menyakiti pasaran Amerika Syarikat, tetapi negara-negara seperti Rusia yang mempunyai rizab minyak di keras juga untuk mengekstrak places- seperti Arctic- yang lebih mahal untuk menghasilkan.

Harga minyak juga menjejaskan mata wang, seperti ruble Rusia, yang, bersama-sama dengan minyak, telah kehilangan lebih dpd 30 % peratus sejak bulan Jun.

Syarikat-syarikat minyak mempunyai kepentingan dalam membangunkan teknologi dan bidang-bidang baru, yang menjadi kurang kemungkinan sebagai keuntungan terjatuh.

A decision to cut or not will have a big effect on energy markets worldwide, as OPEC produces more than 40 percent of the world’s oil.

Low oil prices help big importers like China and India because petroleum products become cheaper, but hurt exporting countries because billions in revenue are lost. Oil prices also affect currencies, such as the Russian ruble, which, in tandem with oil, has lost more than 30 percent since June.

A decision is expected to be announced at 4:00pm in Vienna, and a live feed is available.

Spendy Shale

North American shale as the biggest threat to Saudi Arabia and OPEC dominance, according to Handjani. High prices allow shale to be profitable, whereas the Saudis can produce barrels for just pennies.

The US shale boom, which began in 2008, has increased US crude output by 60 percent, posing a threat to major oil exporter Saudi Arabia, which produces 16 percent of global oil. US production isready to soon overtake the Saudis, which they could see as encroachment.

Unlike oil from the Gulf States, US shale is expensive, and becomes unprofitable below $70-80 per barrel, according to different analysis.

“US production, which has been a real game changer, doesn’t really work when the oil price goes down. Therefore I think the Saudis and the Arab Gulf States want to keep the price of oil hovering around $70 to keep the US uneconomical at the moment,” Handjani said.

Low oil prices help big importers like China and India because petroleum products become cheaper, but hurt exporting countries because billions in lost revenue.

“I don’t necessarily see a price war going on yet, but I see that producers are in line to break the back of US production,” Handjani said.

Low prices not only hurt the US market, but also countries like Russia which have oil reserves in hard to extract places- such as the Arctic- which are more expensive to produce.

Oil prices also affect currencies, such as the Russian ruble, which, in tandem with oil, has lost more than 30 percent since June.

Oil companies have an interest in developing new technologies and areas, which becomes less likely as profitability falls.

'RIBUT Akan DATANG!' Beratus-ratus PERMINTAAN Kemerdekaan di Scotland PARLIMEN (VIDEO) . . .

Srikandi Beratus-ratus orang telah berkumpul berhampiran Parlimen Scotland di Holyrood dengan bendera Cross, muzik & ucapan St Andrew dalam satu sambutan kenegaraan Scotland, di tengah2 permintaan yang berterusan untuk kemerdekaan seperti sambutan Hari St Andrew mendapat dijalankan.

Puisi resital, ucapan dan lagu adalah dalam agenda, sebagai orang dibungkus diri mereka dalam bendera dan "Ya" petinggi peralatan. Malah Estelada biru dapat dilihat di kalangan orang ramai menunjukkan tahap perpaduan antara pelbagai gerakan kemerdekaan di Eropah.

'STORM is Coming!' Hundreds DEMAND Independence at Scottish PARLIAMENT (VIDEO) . . .

Hundreds of people have gathered near the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood with St. Andrew's Cross flags, music and speeches in a celebration of Scottish nationhood, amid continued demands for independence as St. Andrew's Day celebrations got underway.

Poetry recitals, speeches and songs were on the agenda, as people wrapped them-selves in flags and “Yes”-related paraphernalia. Even the blue Estelada could be seen among the crowds to show a degree of solidarity between various independence movements in Europe.

"Beberapa ratus - malah beribu-ribu - di sini hari ini berada di sini untuk menyuarakan impian kemerdekaan Scotland," RT Harry Takut dilaporkan dari Edinburgh.

"Mesej mereka adalah kepada Parlimen Westminster di pusat bandar London bahawa kempen menuntut kemerdekaan tetap diteruskan dan masih kukuh," katanya.

“Several hundred – even thousands – here today are here to voice Scotland’s dream of independence,” RT’s Harry Fear reported from Edinburgh.

“Their message is to the Westminster Parliament in central London that their campaign for independence is still on and still strong,” he said.

(Rally speakers arguing for greater autonomy for #Scotland from ‘greedy austerity-obsessed Westminster, blaming Tories, Labour, Lib Dems)’ 11:06 PM - 29 Nov 2014 Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Gesaan untuk kemerdekaan adalah sama seperti menolak yang lebih besar untuk kesaksamaan sosial, peluang pekerjaan, dan sokongan kebajikan. Jun Riley, aktivis pro-kemerdekaan kepada RT:

"Ini hanya tidak cukup baik untuk Scotland lagi. Scotland kini berada di tahap di mana kita telah mempunyai cukup diperintah, kami tak dapat apa-apa, kita meletakkan segala-galanya dan mendapat apa-apa kembali, dan sudah tiba masanya untuk Scotland untuk menjadi sebuah negara yang merdeka."

Parti Kebangsaan Scotland telah menyaksikan sokongan belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya sejak referendum kemerdekaan.

The push for independence is tantamount to a greater push for social equality, employment opportunities, and welfare support. June Riley, pro-independence activist told RT:

“This is just not good enough for Scotland anymore. Scotland is now at the stage where we’ve had enough of being ruled, we’re getting nothing, we’re putting everything and getting nothing back, and it’s time for Scotland to become an independent country.”

The Scottish National party has seen unprecedented support since the independence referendum.

Satu tinjauan YouGov bagi akhbar Times yang disiarkan pada awal November menunjukkan sokongan untuk kemerdekaan adalah sebanyak 52 % peratus berbanding 48 % peratus yang mahu kekal dalam kesatuan.

Sebahagian daripada 'tidak' pengundi juga berasa kecewa kerana undi mereka telah dipengaruhi oleh bersumpah untuk diturunkan kuasa baru yang luas.

"Kami benar-benar dijanjikan peraturan rumah atau devo-max," aktivis pro-kemerdekaan Gordon Johnson memberitahu RT. "Apa yang kita telah ditawarkan sekarang ialah tempat di dekat keadaan ini."

"Kami telah kehilangan pertempuran pertama, tetapi kita akan pergi untuk meme-nangi perang," kata Johnson. "Kami tidak akan berhenti sehingga kita adalah bebas."

A YouGov poll for the Times newspaper published at the beginning of November indicated support for independence stood at 52 percent versus 48 percent who wanted to remain in the union.

Some of the ‘no’ voters are also feeling disillusioned as their vote was influenced by the vow for extensive new devolved powers.

“We were actually promised home rule or devo-max,” pro-independence activist Gordon Johnson told RT. “What we’ve been offered now is nowhere near these conditions.”

“We have lost the first battle, but we will go on to win the war,” Johnson added. “We will not stop until we are independent.”

 ‘(We will get independence whether you like it or not! If you won't give it, we'll take it! There's a storm coming)!’ #scottishindependence 11:04 PM - 29 Nov 2014 Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Pada 18 September, Scots mengadakan referendum sama ada Scotland harus ber-pisah dpd kesatuan yg berusia 307 tahun dgn seluruh UK & menjadi sebuah negara yang merdeka. Dgn rekod pengundi keluar mengundi, 55.3 % peratus mengundi terhadap kemerdekaan, manakala 44.7 % peratus mengundi menyokong.

On September 18, Scots held a referendum on whether Scotland should break away from the 307-year-old union with the rest of the UK and become an independent country. With a record voter turnout, 55.3 percent voted against independence, while 44.7 percent voted in favor.

(Articulate speakers angry at ‘greedy #Westminster rule’ over #Scotland, passionately calling for greater autonom)y.  11:01 PM - 29 Nov 2014 Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom


Friday, 28 November 2014

BANJIR Meninggalkan GAZA dalam RUNTUHAN, PBB Mengisytiharkan Keadaan DARURAT . . .

Srikandi - Dianggarkan 100,000 rumah telah musnah atau rosak kerana jalan-raya di Gaza City. Mereka telah dibanjiri dgn air dan kumbahan selepas seminggu hujan lebat, menyebabkan agensi pelarian PBB Palestin untuk mengisytiharkan darurat di kawasan itu.

BACA lagi: Israel enggan kerjasama dengan PBB bukti perang Gaza, panggilan itu 'berat sebelah' READ MORE: Israel refuses cooperation with UN Gaza war probe, calls it ‘one-sided’

Dipaksa keluar dari rumah masing-masing, beribu-ribu rakyat Palestin kini tidur di dalam kelas sekolah & tempat perlindungan sementara selepas ribut besar-besaran selama seminggu melanda rantau ini, laporan Agensi Berita Ma'an. Ini termasuk hampir 30,000 yang tlh tinggal di perumahan kecemasan selepas 51 hari serangan Israel musim panas.

FLOOD leaves GAZA in RUINS, UN Declares STATE 

An estimated 100,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged as the streets of Gaza City. They were flooded with water and sewage after a week of torrential down-pours, prompting the UN Palestinian refugee agency to declare a state of emergency in the area.

Forced out of their homes, thousands of Palestinians are now sleeping in classrooms and makeshift shelters after a massive weeklong storm ravaged the region, reports the Ma’an News Agency. This includes the nearly 30,000 who had been staying at emergency housing after Israel’s 51-day summer offensive.

Rumah2 di Gaza banjir dalam hujan lebat, "bencana kemanusiaan," Datuk Bandar memberi amaran (Gaza homes flood in heavy rains, "humanitarian catastrophe," mayor warns … via @MiddleEastMnt) 2:06 AM - 28 Nov 2014

"Banjir ini memburukkan lagi keadaan yang sudah buruk kemanusiaan di Gaza akibat sekatan dan pemusnahan yg belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dari serangan Israel yg terbaru," kata Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bantuan & Kerja Raya Agensi (UNWRA) dalam satu kenyataan yang disiarkan di laman Facebook.

Hasil daripada banjir, 63 buah sekolah di seluruh Gaza City & 43 buah sekolah di seluruh governorate Utara Semenanjung Gaza telah ditutup Khamis, sesuai dengan UNRWA. Washington Post melaporkan bahawa sukarelawan cuba untuk menghen-tikan air dengan lumpur dan beg sampah berisi pasir.

“The flooding is exacerbating the already-dire humanitarian situation in Gaza caused by blockade and the unprecedented destruction from the latest Israeli offensive,” the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.

As a result of the flooding, 63 schools across Gaza City and 43 schools across the Northern Gaza Strip governorate were closed Thursday, according to the UNRWA. The Washington Post reported that volunteers are trying to stop the water with mud and sand-filled garbage bags.

Seorang lelaki kelihatan keluar dari kedainya sebagai Palestin berjalan melalui jalan yang dinaiki air berikutan hujan lebat di Bandar Gaza November 27, 2014 (A man looks out of his shop as Palestinians walk through a flooded road following heavy rain in Gaza City November 27, 2014 (Reuters/Mohammed Salem)

Mengepam air keluar dari kawasan banjir amat bermasalah kerana kekurangan g teruk bahan api di Semenanjung Gaza, diburukkan lagi oleh 8 tahun sekatan Israel. Di samping itu, kawasan yg tdk mempunyai kemudahan pengurusan pembe-tungan yang mencukupi, membuat pemulihan dari krisis lebih mencabar.

Pumping water out of flooded areas is particularly problematic due to the severe lack of fuel in the Gaza Strip, aggravated by Israel’s eight-year blockade. In addition, the area lacks adequate sewer management facilities, making recovery from the crisis even more challenging.

#Palestinians Membina khemah untuk melindungi mereka daripada #rain .. ada rumah dibom dalam pencerobohan #Israeli lepas di #Gaza (#Palestinians build a tent to protect them from #rain .. there home was bombed in last #Israeli aggression on #Gaza.)  10:34 PM - 26 Nov 2014  Omar Ghraieb and 9 others

Pada hari Rabu, Gaza utama Nizar Hijazi memberi amaran bahawa kekurangan penduduk Gaza itu sumber boleh mencetuskan "bencana kemanusiaan".

"Infrastruktur di Semenanjung Gaza adalah lemah dan tidak berkelayakan lang-sung untuk menerima apa-apa hujan meningkat kerana bencana yang disebabkan oleh hujan yg meningkat tahun lepas & peperangan baru2 ini yg memusnahkan sebahagian besar daripada Gaza," katanya.

UNRWA berikrar untuk memberikan "bahan api kecemasan untuk membekalkan sokongan penjana untuk stesen pam, pam mudah alih, majlis perbandaran, air, sanitasi dan kemudahan kesihatan" untuk memerangi kekurangan pada Khamis.

On Wednesday, Gaza major Nizar Hijazi warned residents that the Strip’s lack of resources could trigger a “humanitarian catastrophe.”

“The infrastructure of the Gaza Strip is weak and ill-equipped to receive any increased rainfall because of the disaster caused by the increased rainfall last year and the recent war which destroyed a large part of the Strip,” he said.

The UNRWA vowed to provide “emergency fuel to supply back-up generators for pumping stations, portable pumps, municipalities, water, sanitation and health facilities” to combat shortages on Thursday.

Bapa pd Bulan ini . . . bapa Palestin memberikan anak perempuannya piggyback ke sekolah sebagai jalan-jalan #Gaza berada dalam banjir (Father of the Month . . . Palestinian father gives his daughter a piggyback to school as #Gaza streets were in flood) 12:20 AM - 26 Nov 2014

Banjir teruk bukan luar biasa bagi rantau ini. Disember lalu, hujan lebat membanjiri Strip dan menyebabkan anjakan kira-kira 40,000 rakyat Palestin.

Walaupun penderma antarabangsa berjanji $5.4 billion untuk membantu membina semula peperangan di Gaza pada sidang kemuncak Kaherah awal kejatuhan ini, pembinaan semula masih belum bermula. Raed Fattouh, seorang pegawai Palestin yang bertanggungjawab ke atas pemasukan barang ke Semenanjung Gaza, bagai-manapun memberitahu Ma'an bahawa Israel telah memberikan lampu hijau untuk kemasukan 350 trak bekalan ke rantau ini sebelum ini.

BACA lanjut: usaha Antarabangsa menimbulkan $5.4 billion untuk Gaza READ MORE: International effort raises $5.4 billion for Gaza

Severe flooding is not unusual for the region. Last December, heavy rains swamped the Strip and resulted in the displacement of some 40,000 Palestinians.

Though international donors pledged $5.4 billion to help rebuild war-torn Gaza at Cairo summit earlier this fall, reconstruction has not yet begun. Raed Fattouh, a Palestinian official responsible for the entry of goods into the Gaza Strip, however, told Ma’an that Israel has given the go-ahead for the entry of 350 supply trucks into the region earlier this


Thursday, 27 November 2014

'KEHIDUPAN perkara kulit Hitam' PERTEMPURAN Beribu-ribu penduduk LONDON membantah PERKAUMAN polis (VIDEO) . . .

Srikandi - Dianggarkan 100,000 rumah telah musnah atau rosak kerana jalan-raya di Gaza City. Mereka telah dibanjiri dgn air dan kumbahan selepas seminggu hujan lebat, menyebabkan agensi pelarian PBB Palestin untuk mengisytiharkan darurat di kawasan itu.

BACA lagi: Israel enggan kerjasama dengan PBB bukti perang Gaza, panggilan itu 'berat sebelah' READ MORE: Israel refuses cooperation with UN Gaza war probe, calls it ‘one-sided’

Dipaksa keluar dari rumah masing-masing, beribu-ribu rakyat Palestin kini tidur di dalam kelas sekolah & tempat perlindungan sementara selepas ribut besar-besaran selama seminggu melanda rantau ini, laporan Agensi Berita Ma'an. Ini termasuk hampir 30,000 yang tlh tinggal di perumahan kecemasan selepas 51 hari serangan Israel musim panas.

FLOOD leaves GAZA in RUINS, UN Declares STATE 

An estimated 100,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged as the streets of Gaza City. They were flooded with water and sewage after a week of torrential down-pours, prompting the UN Palestinian refugee agency to declare a state of emergency in the area.

Forced out of their homes, thousands of Palestinians are now sleeping in classrooms and makeshift shelters after a massive weeklong storm ravaged the region, reports the Ma’an News Agency. This includes the nearly 30,000 who had been staying at emergency housing after Israel’s 51-day summer offensive.

Rumah2 di Gaza banjir dalam hujan lebat, "bencana kemanusiaan," Datuk Bandar memberi amaran (Gaza homes flood in heavy rains, "humanitarian catastrophe," mayor warns … via @MiddleEastMnt) 2:06 AM - 28 Nov 2014

"Banjir ini memburukkan lagi keadaan yang sudah buruk kemanusiaan di Gaza akibat sekatan dan pemusnahan yg belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dari serangan Israel yg terbaru," kata Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bantuan & Kerja Raya Agensi (UNWRA) dalam satu kenyataan yang disiarkan di laman Facebook.

Hasil daripada banjir, 63 buah sekolah di seluruh Gaza City & 43 buah sekolah di seluruh governorate Utara Semenanjung Gaza telah ditutup Khamis, sesuai dengan UNRWA. Washington Post melaporkan bahawa sukarelawan cuba untuk menghen-tikan air dengan lumpur dan beg sampah berisi pasir.

“The flooding is exacerbating the already-dire humanitarian situation in Gaza caused by blockade and the unprecedented destruction from the latest Israeli offensive,” the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.

As a result of the flooding, 63 schools across Gaza City and 43 schools across the Northern Gaza Strip governorate were closed Thursday, according to the UNRWA. The Washington Post reported that volunteers are trying to stop the water with mud and sand-filled garbage bags.

Seorang lelaki kelihatan keluar dari kedainya sebagai Palestin berjalan melalui jalan yang dinaiki air berikutan hujan lebat di Bandar Gaza November 27, 2014 (A man looks out of his shop as Palestinians walk through a flooded road following heavy rain in Gaza City November 27, 2014 (Reuters/Mohammed Salem)

Mengepam air keluar dari kawasan banjir amat bermasalah kerana kekurangan g teruk bahan api di Semenanjung Gaza, diburukkan lagi oleh 8 tahun sekatan Israel. Di samping itu, kawasan yg tdk mempunyai kemudahan pengurusan pembe-tungan yang mencukupi, membuat pemulihan dari krisis lebih mencabar.

Pumping water out of flooded areas is particularly problematic due to the severe lack of fuel in the Gaza Strip, aggravated by Israel’s eight-year blockade. In addition, the area lacks adequate sewer management facilities, making recovery from the crisis even more challenging.

#Palestinians Membina khemah untuk melindungi mereka daripada #rain .. ada rumah dibom dalam pencerobohan #Israeli lepas di #Gaza (#Palestinians build a tent to protect them from #rain .. there home was bombed in last #Israeli aggression on #Gaza.)  10:34 PM - 26 Nov 2014  Omar Ghraieb and 9 others

Pada hari Rabu, Gaza utama Nizar Hijazi memberi amaran bahawa kekurangan penduduk Gaza itu sumber boleh mencetuskan "bencana kemanusiaan".

"Infrastruktur di Semenanjung Gaza adalah lemah dan tidak berkelayakan lang-sung untuk menerima apa-apa hujan meningkat kerana bencana yang disebabkan oleh hujan yg meningkat tahun lepas & peperangan baru2 ini yg memusnahkan sebahagian besar daripada Gaza," katanya.

UNRWA berikrar untuk memberikan "bahan api kecemasan untuk membekalkan sokongan penjana untuk stesen pam, pam mudah alih, majlis perbandaran, air, sanitasi dan kemudahan kesihatan" untuk memerangi kekurangan pada Khamis.

On Wednesday, Gaza major Nizar Hijazi warned residents that the Strip’s lack of resources could trigger a “humanitarian catastrophe.”

“The infrastructure of the Gaza Strip is weak and ill-equipped to receive any increased rainfall because of the disaster caused by the increased rainfall last year and the recent war which destroyed a large part of the Strip,” he said.

The UNRWA vowed to provide “emergency fuel to supply back-up generators for pumping stations, portable pumps, municipalities, water, sanitation and health facilities” to combat shortages on Thursday.

Bapa pd Bulan ini . . . bapa Palestin memberikan anak perempuannya piggyback ke sekolah sebagai jalan-jalan #Gaza berada dalam banjir (Father of the Month . . . Palestinian father gives his daughter a piggyback to school as #Gaza streets were in flood) 12:20 AM - 26 Nov 2014

Banjir teruk bukan luar biasa bagi rantau ini. Disember lalu, hujan lebat membanjiri Strip dan menyebabkan anjakan kira-kira 40,000 rakyat Palestin.

Walaupun penderma antarabangsa berjanji $5.4 billion untuk membantu membina semula peperangan di Gaza pada sidang kemuncak Kaherah awal kejatuhan ini, pembinaan semula masih belum bermula. Raed Fattouh, seorang pegawai Palestin yang bertanggungjawab ke atas pemasukan barang ke Semenanjung Gaza, bagai-manapun memberitahu Ma'an bahawa Israel telah memberikan lampu hijau untuk kemasukan 350 trak bekalan ke rantau ini sebelum ini.

BACA lanjut: usaha Antarabangsa menimbulkan $5.4 billion untuk Gaza READ MORE: International effort raises $5.4 billion for Gaza

Severe flooding is not unusual for the region. Last December, heavy rains swamped the Strip and resulted in the displacement of some 40,000 Palestinians.

Though international donors pledged $5.4 billion to help rebuild war-torn Gaza at Cairo summit earlier this fall, reconstruction has not yet begun. Raed Fattouh, a Palestinian official responsible for the entry of goods into the Gaza Strip, however, told Ma’an that Israel has given the go-ahead for the entry of 350 supply trucks into the region earlier this

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